Timber Cookbook Stands – Time to Stain & Varnish Following up from my recent article on How to Make a Cookbook Stand, I wanted to show how the finished product ended up. I ended the article with the cookbook stand in its raw timber finish. I mentioned that I had enough material to complete a […]
How to Build Wood Pallet Furniture Projects
Using recycled material to build furniture isn’t a new concept by any means, But with the seemingly endless availability of wood pallets, the DIY Wood Pallet Furniture craze has gained an incredible amount of interest in recent years. I personally have only recently started using recycled wood from pallets and packing crates for furniture, and […]
How to Build a DIY Workbench
This DIY workbench is something I just found at PopularMechanics.com, and I’m sure you’ll agree it’s a pretty nice unit when it comes to size, functionality, sturdiness and it’s also a do-it-yourself woodwork project. Now this is the first time I have ever visited this site. With a name like “Popular Mechanics” I imagined it […]
Reclaimed Packing Timber Table
Pallet Furniture DIY Project At my brothers factory, he is always receiving these long pallets of material that all include packing timber frames on the top and bottom of each pack. I must admit that I have seen these pallets over the years and not once did it occur to me to try and use […]
Easy DIY Project – How to make a Picture Frame
I found this great, simple tutorial on How to make a Simple Picture Frame and mount a picture on the It’s Always Autumn blog. This tutorial is for making a picture frame to fit a 16 x 20 print. The materials used are: 1 x 8 ft length of 4 inch wide Pine Board. Wood […]
iPhone Wood Types Reference Guide
I.D. Wood is a new iPhone application that literally becomes a pocket guide book to different types of wood from around the world. The app’ covers over 50 different types of wood and includes full screen previews, full descriptions and a large range of extra info, relating to each species and wood in general. This […]
Handy Guide for DIY Floorboard Replacement
Here is a link to a post that has some simple instructions on how to replace a damaged floorboard. All the instructions for this simple DIY repair job are on the Readers Digest site with step by sep instructions, including images.
Australian Hardware Journal 2008 Product of the Year
The Australian Hardware Journal has announced that its product of the year for 2008 is the Cabot’s CFP Sandless Floor System. Cabot’s CFP Sandless Floor System was selected above all others because it pretty much not only created a new sub-category in DIY timber floor restoration, but managed to do so with remarkable effectiveness in […]
Bench Vice – Must Have Tool
The bench vice has got to be one of those essential tools for your workshop. This type of vice is a lot more versatile than the metal vice. For holding anything while you are cutting , sanding, planing this is definately the way to go. The picture above is of the old bench vice that […]
DIY – How to make a handy sheet material rack
I recently built a rack in my shed to hold all the sheet material that I keep, or have left over from other projects. It was basically 2 lengths of 3×2 fixed to the wall on an angle with a couple of shorter bits on the bottom to keep the sheets raised off the ground. […]