DIY Handyman iPhone App – Like a power tool in your pocket! DIY Handyman Toolbox, is an iPhone iOS App that includes quite a few very handy features for the home handyman and also for the construction industry. This app is METRIC only. (There is an Imperial version available on the app store, that doesn’t […]
Set Out Building Site Tip – 3 4 5 method
A simple DIY tip to determine a 90 degree angle when setting out your building site is the 3,4,5 method. Basically if you mark out a triangle that has sides measuring 3 feet, 4 feet and 5 feet (or metres) you will end up with a right angle triangle. This is a very simple solution […]
Handyman Tip – Rushing can make the job Take Longer
Too many times we here stories of the Home Handyman (and professional contractors) rushing to get a job done and causing themselves or others injury. But rushing can also make make your job actually take a lot longer to complete. One thing that is always drummed into your head as an apprentice is: “Measure twice, […]
Set Out Building Site Tip – 3 4 5 method
A simple DIY tip to determine a 90 degree angle when setting out your building site is the 3,4,5 method. Basically if you mark out a triangle that has sides measuring 3 feet, 4 feet and 5 feet (or metres) you will end up with a right angle triangle. This is a very simple solution […]