Ozito Cordless Lawn Mower Kit – Product Review – This one is for my Dad I needed to get my dad a good quality, simple to use lawn mower to mow his small back yard and front nature strip. He’s always keeps himself active, but he is getting on a bit. Also he had to […]
7 Don’ts When Renovating Your Bathroom
This is a guest post from the guys at EZYFIX. Make sure to check them out if your are considering doing a DIY Bathroom Renovation. EZYFIX have a range of DIY products that are quick and simple to install – which ends up saving you money. Bathroom renovation costs can climb pretty quickly if you […]
Avoid DIY Disasters – Don’t Do It Yourself!
The enthusiasm a home handyman experiences when starting a DIY project at home can sometimes get in the way of the more important emotion required for the task…. common sense. DIY looks simple enough – but it can hurt too! There’s no denying how much fun it is, going to the hardware store and buying […]
3 Do-It-Yourself, Fix-It-Yourself, Home Improvement Manuals
Here’s 3 handy books to have lying around for the next time you need to get something done around your home. All 3 fall in to the DIY Handyman, Home Renovation, Home Maintenance categories, and any one of these books will get you out of trouble at some stage of your home ownership journey. Black […]
New Home Renovation TV Show Casting Call
A new Home Renovation TV Show is in the works. I received an email from Rick Spence, a producer of this new TV program that will “follow the trials and joys of home renovation”. If you are planning a home renovation project and would like to be part of this show, read on: Here is […]
Handyman iPhone App
DIY Handyman Toolbox is a new app that comes in either a Metric or Imperial versions. DIY Handyman Toolbox – METRIC, is a handy, easy to use application to help you work out common handyman calculations like volume (cubic metres), area (square metres) and also to convert measurements from imperial to metric, or metric to […]
Handy Guide for DIY Floorboard Replacement
Here is a link to a post that has some simple instructions on how to replace a damaged floorboard. All the instructions for this simple DIY repair job are on the Readers Digest site with step by sep instructions, including images.
DIY Window Frosting
A new Sydney business called Frost & Co has recently launched its exciting range of frosted vinyl film for use on any glass panels in and around the home. The possible uses of Frost & Co in your home are endless – any windows, glass doors, sidelights, glass tables, glass cabinets and even outdoor glass […]
Australian Hardware Journal 2008 Product of the Year
The Australian Hardware Journal has announced that its product of the year for 2008 is the Cabot’s CFP Sandless Floor System. Cabot’s CFP Sandless Floor System was selected above all others because it pretty much not only created a new sub-category in DIY timber floor restoration, but managed to do so with remarkable effectiveness in […]
Most Popular DIY Projects of 2008
Over on the Lifehacker site there is a post about the most popular DIY projects of this past year. When it comes to saving time and money, sometimes the best approach means rolling up your sleeves and doing it yourself. Check out the best DIY projects featured here in 2008. Click here to go to […]