Here is a new app that I have created for the DIY Handyman, and it is also handy for the professional trades person.
DIY Concrete is a handy calculator to help work out the volume and pricing of your concrete projects. The application will calculate cubic meters and price for the larger projects that require delivery by concrete truck, and it also calculates the qty of 20KG Pre-mixed bags required for the smaller projects.This version only calculates in metric, but the imperial section will be added soon, and will be available as a free download when available.
Here is a link to the DIY Concrete website for more info.
Also, click here to go directly to the iTunes store and download the app.
True Blue Handyman is a personalised Handyman Business that guarantees client satisfaction by providing a professional, reliable residential & commercial Handyman Service.
Being fully equipped with the right skills & tools for the job, ensures you get the work done with ease along with quality workmanship.