The Imperial version of my handyman iPhone app’ DIY Concrete is now available on the iTunes App Store.
This version has a redesigned user interface and handles all the calculations you need to work out and order concrete for your project in cubic yards or in 80LB pre-mixed bags.
Click here to go directly to the iTunes App Store.
Click here to go to the DIY Concrete website.
DIY Concrete Imperial – is a handy, easy to use application to help you work out the volume and cost of concrete (cement) required for your project, in cubic meters or 80LB pre-mixed Bags.
DIY Concrete Imperial – is useful to the DIY Home Handyman as well as professional trades people, as a quick and simple way for working out concrete volume and price requirements.
This application calculates the volume you require when ordering for a large amount that will be delivered by truck, as well as a 80LB Pre-mixed Bag calculator for the smaller DIY Handyman projects.
As well as calculating the volume, you can also add the cubic meter price or bag price to give you an overall cost of the concrete order.
All you need to do is enter the Length and Width in feet and the Depth in inches. The price component is optional. Then press the “Calculate” button.
Click “Reset” to start again with clean empty fields.
Also included are a couple of DIY Concrete Tips for on-site 90 degree set-out and the ratio for a standard concrete mix.
Thanks for the great post. Good advice! I always thinking fixing up your home is a love hate thing. It can be extremely rewarding, but it can be a second job too. This was a great post though.
I stumbled upon this blog like I did yours. Thought it’s humor on home fixing might be enjoyable:
Thanks for the post! I’d love to see more like it.
Now thats a really cool app!
I wonder how many have downloaded it…
Does it link to a concrete supplier and place an order?
That would top it off.