Sticking with the iPhone application theme from the last post, here is another useful application for the DIY handyman.
“Handyman Sidekick” is basically 4 project calculators, Painting, Wallpapering, Flooring and Gardening. This application can be set for either metric of imperial units of measure. Personally I like the paint calculator which makes working out the total amount of paint needed very easy.
Here is a list of features from their website:
# Home screen that lets you choose between Metric or Imperial Units of measure. Choose one and all calculators are now in the proper Unit of measure.
# Automatically Saves your Unit of Measure as you preferred default (no need to set it every time you enter the application).
# Paint Calculator (Use this to know how much paint to buy for a given room. Sophisticated down to the level of entering details such as number of windows and doors in the room.
# Flooring Calculator (Use this for any type of flooring; find out how much carpeting, hardwood, laminate you will need).
# Wallpaper Calculator (Use this to know how many rolls of wallpaper you will need; before you even leave your house for the store!!!).
# Garden Calculator (Use this to know how much mulch you should buy for your gardening projects)..
Click here to go to the Handyman Sidekick website for more info:
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