In addition to the first 2 posts on Roof Ventilation:
Skydome offers a full range of domestic and commercial mechanical ventilation systems from the Twirly and Static roof vents to the market leading Skydome PowerVent Motorised Roof Ventilator.
Fitted with a powerful, yet whisper-quiet, 70 watt electric motor, the thermostatically controlled PowerVent can expel some 15,000 litres of hot air from the roof cavity every minute and costs less than one cent per hour to run. For rotating roof ventilators to achieve similar extraction capacities, at least 8 units would have to be installed on the roof with a breeze of 16 kph.
Skydome’s product line has expanded since you’re orginal post. Have you checked out the Skytube line?
I’ve seen these puppies redirect natural light from one side of the house to another. Perfect for dimly lit rooms that are always in shade.
Helluva way to save on lighting bills too 🙂
Hi,What a nice blog, In order to create proper roof ventilation that adequately rotates air in and out of the house it is important to get the level of intake and expulsion just right.
Thanks for this nice sharing.
roof ventilators
The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lot of great information which can be helpful in some or the other way.