I received this old book from my mother-in-law the other day. It is from the 1950’s and is really a manual for the DIY Handyman. Chapters cover everything from The Home Workshop, Tools, Joints, Doors, Windows, Floors, Fences, Extensions and Painting.
The last page is the most interesting. It includes a set of 15 “Workshop Commandments”. Here are 4 of them:
1. Thou shalt make an efficient set-out of all work. For a good drawing is like unto a beacon set on a hill.
2. Thou shalt arrange that the best-looking timber shall stand in the best place, and the worst shall be hidden away.
8. Leave on all thy lines until the end of a job, for the destruction of evidence is the mark of a criminal.
15. Thou shalt not sandpaper across grain that will be polished, for this is a sin which cannot be covered, and will be known to all who behold thy work.
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