One of the cheapest and accurate tools that a handyman will own. A water level is simply a length of clear, flexible tubing filled with water. The one I have is 10 metres (32′) long with a 10mm (3/8″) diameter.
This type of level works simply with gravity. You will find that water (due to gravity) will naturally, and acurately level itself. The height of the water at both ends of the tube will always be level – the length of your tube is your only restriction. Warning – you must check that you have no air bubbles at all in the water for acurate levels.
NOTE: Here is something I have never heard of… an Electric Water Level (image on right). This seems to work exactly as above but has audible tones to indicate levels. This product is by Zircon Corporation. Click here for more info.
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Yep, the old water level is a great handyman tool that few people are aware of. Best of all – unlike expensive optical or laser levels you don’t need to send them off to to be recalibrated or serviced.